Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chichen Itza

CHICHEN ITZA - Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

On January 7, 2008 I had the great opportunity to visit Chichen Itza. This is an ancient Mayan city that has some amazing astronomical sites within it.

First stop is the great pyramid also called El Castillo.

The four sides of the pyramid face exactly north, south, east, and west and each side has 91 steps to the top. Click on the picture below for a close-up.

91 steps X 4 sides = 364. Well, there is one step at the very top which gives it 365. This is a way to show the 365 days in the year.

The north side has these serpent heads at the bottom of the stairs. During the spring and fall equnioxes, light and sahdow make a snake-like patten all down the pyramid. I wish I was there in March to see it.

They also had an Observatory that looked a little like ours in Cincinnati. Well, it needs a little work. But the rounded top had eight windows facing N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, and NE and made a great place to view the heavens.

They also had a ball court where they played a game that combined soccer and basketball. Warriors tried to get a ball through a stone hoop that was really high up. And the winner, well, gulp... was sacrificed. That might affect my game.

I had a great time in Mexico. The next ancient astronomy site I would like to visit is Stonehenge. Has anyone been to England?